My New Strength Training Plan

I was just talking with Mama Bear the other week about how it would be good for me to do some strength training. Of course she told me I should do yoga. I don’t disagree with this. Yoga would be really good for me, working on core strength, upper body strength, balance and flexibility. But I can’t get past the $10-$15 per class. I figured doing push ups, sit ups and plank on a regular basis would be helpful to me. And then we were invited to go water skiing and that changed my whole perspective. It had been quite some time since I had been water skiing. It’s been at least three years. So I was excited to go to say the least. But I didn’t know the revolution it was going to bring to me.

We had a beautiful day to go skiing. My first time behind the boat, I decided to go for the slalom, one ski. It took me a couple of times to get up, partially due to the fact that I forgot which foot I put forward. When I did get up on my second or third try, I felt like I was almost immediately tired. It takes a lot of leg, arm and core strength, as well as balance to be able to get up. It is also a workout cutting back and forth. So, after what seemed like a rather short period of time, I let go, tired and out of breath. It was short, but I got a good workout.
Later in the day it was time to try out the wakeboard. The wakeboard requires a lot less strength and effort to get up and carve back and forth, but it does require strength and balance to jump the wake.


Mama Bear got her workout in as well. She showed how easy it was, popping right up on the skis.

My arms are still sore today, two days after we went. I think this strength training plan will be my second book, after, “Tennis Your Way To Triathlon“. If I continue with my strength training plan, maybe I’ll be big and strong, just like this:

20130617-082848.jpgMama Bear got these for the boys for Father’s Day.

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